The Memory of Souls by Jenn Lyons

Pub. Date: 25-Aug-2020
Rating: 4.5 Stars

The Memory of Souls is the third book in this epic fantasy by Jenn Lyons. It was definitely worth the wait for this book. An amazing adventure story and without a doubt my favorite so far.

As with the first two books in the series, the story is told as a narration of events. Kihrin and Thurvishar are attempting to record the current events as they occur. The account picks up right where the previous book leaves off. Our heroes now know that the god Vol Karath is awake, though he is still imprisoned.  They also know that at least one of the chains that binds him has been severed.

Even from his prison Vol Karath is able to cause massive destruction and chaos. The eight immortals have tasked Kihrin, Teraeth, Janel and Thurvishar with persuading the Monal Vane’ to give up there immortality. There is a ritual, once performed, will make them mortal and in the process strength the chains that hold Vol Karath.  This ritual is the one that made the other immortal races mortal.    

The Vane’ are strongly against this but if Vol Karath does escape, the entire world will be destroyed. Yet, everything has a cost and boy is that the case in this book.

I would love to say more about the plot but then I would be giving away some of the best parts. I want readers to be as surprised as I was with some of the events. For example, I learned a lot more about Kihrin, Janel and Teraeth’s past lives and it was very revealing and ties some stuff together for me.

This is probably one of the most complex series I have ever read. Not only is the world building complex but the characters are also. For the most part I loved it, but there were a few times when I had a hard time keeping up with who was who. Especially with all the reincarnations and body changes going on. I had to go back a couple of times and reread parts to cement everything in my mind. I wished I had taken notes as I went along then it would have been easier.

The characters are richly developed in this series and before I even picked up this book I thought that the author could not do much more to enhance them. She proved me wrong. There were new tidbits and interesting secrets that were revealed throughout the book. I loved how she parses them out and keeps the reader engaged.  This is what makes this series so captivating. I can honestly say there is never a dull moment.

I recommend this book, and the whole series, to lovers of epic fantasy. For those readers that love an intricate and complicated plot with memorable characters, I think you will especially appreciate these books.  

I received a free copy from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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