Adelia by Dan Barron

Rating: 4 Stars Pub.
Date: 28-Feb-2021

This book is a skillfully told story about love, regrets and second chances. Filled with wonderful imagery and a touching story, it will make you believe in true love again.

Jack Landen is a total mess since his wife’s suicide. He is overwhelmed by guilt and can’t take care of himself, let alone his two young daughters. He is desperate and wishing he could go back in time and do things different. He wants, more than anything, to be the man his wife, Adelia, deserves.

Someone must have heard him because he wakes up in the past when he was a single musician and just cruising through life without a care. When he realizes what has happened, he immediately sets off to find Adelia. He is determined to find her and change the course of events that will ultimately lead to Adelia’s death.

Jack was a likeable (though not at first) and relatable character. He is flawed; yet, strong enough to recognize it and man enough to want to do something about it instead of continuing to whine about it like most people would do. At first, I thought he was just a self-centered ass; but, I changed my mind as I get deeper into the story. So, kudos to the author for managing that in a realistic way. I also liked the character of Adelia and the author’s thoughtful use of her character to show how jealous can break us down over time.

The plot was well executed, not too serious and not too trivial, and with enough tension and action to keep me interested. I thought the subplot tied all the parts together nicely and the little twist was cool too. I was definitely routing for Jack and Adelia.

There was a lot to take away from this book. For me, the biggest one is love is never easy. There were other themes throughout that made the story more interesting, jealously being another big one as well as forgiveness. Because of this, the book is perfect for a book club discussion.

If you like stories that make you think, this is one you should put on your to-be-read list. I highly recommend.

I received a free copy from the author in exchange for my honest review.

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