All the Stars Are Suns by Seaby Brown

Title: All the Stars Are Suns
Author: Seaby Brown
Pub. Date: 15-Oct-2017
Rating: 5 Stars

As some may already know, I am partial to indie authors. I admire their tenacity, among other things. Therefore, I am always delighted to read a book by an indie author that captivates me from the beginning.  That is exactly what happened to me with All the Stars Are Suns by Seaby Brown.

The story opens with the attempted rape of a young woman named Quan Yin, who unbeknownst to the perpetrators, is actually an optoelectronic analogue of a real human brain and uses an avatar to interact with humans. Quan Yin has been the brain child and life’s work of Dr. M ‘Beke and a well-kept secret up to now. Continue reading “All the Stars Are Suns by Seaby Brown”