Ice Wolves by Amie Kaufman

Title Ice Wolves
Author: Amie Kaufman
Pub. Date: 27-Mar-2018
Rating: 5 Stars

I am always on the lookout for new fantasy for my 9 year old grandson who reads on a college level. Yes, a college level! Therefore, I was super excited to get an ARC of Ice Wolves by Amie Kaufman from the publisher. He enjoys stories about dragons and wolves and after reading it I know he will love the book at much as I do.

The story is set in a world where Scorch Dragons and Ice Wolves are sworn enemies. The last battle between the two is fresh in everyone’s mind. Hence in the port city of Holbard, Ice Wolves are the police force. They are ever on the lookout for dragon spies and are trained and ready to defend the city against the next Scorch Dragon attack.

Every month in Holbard the Trial of the Staff is conducted to identify those youths, 12 years of age, which have the ability to transform into an Ice Wolf. Anders and Rayna, twins and orphans, are 12 and attending the trail, but for the purpose of picking the pockets of the crowd that is gathering to watch.  As Anders tries to lighten one merchant’s pocket he is caught and Rayne, in a moment of insight, insists that they were both just trying to reach the que for testing and where jostling to get through the crowd. An excellent plan if you know for sure you are not going to transform. No such luck, Anders transforms to a wolf and, much to his shock, Rayna transforms into a dragon.

Upon transforming, Rayna is immediately attacked by the Ice Wolves. She manages to escape but not before a few ice daggers find there mark. Meanwhile, Anders is herded off to the Ulfar Academy where he will be expected to attend school and military training in preparation for joining the Ice Wolf patrols as an adult.

Once at the academy, Anders, at first, can only think of how to find and rescue his sister. Yet, much to his surprise he finds he likes it there. He makes new friends and loves the feeling of the pack which becomes the family he never had. Despite this he resolves to find his sister even if it means exile from the pack.

What a fantastic middle grade fantasy adventure story! It has all the makings of an outstanding series. The world building was excellent, which is essential for great fantasy. The plot was well thought out and beautifully executed.  I loved the details that the author included, i.e. the exclamation, “Pack and Paws” used by the Ice Wolves. For me, it is the details that enhance a story and elevate it from a 4 star book to 5 stars. I can’t forget about the characters, I admired both Anders and Rayna, they had such tenacity and were loyal to a fault.  I especially enjoyed watching Anders mature in the story. Rayna played more of a supporting role and I hope future books will delve more into the dragon realm of things.

I have to admit, even though the series is targeted for younger readers, I am looking forward to the next installment. Final note, I was planning on giving my copy to my grandson, change of plan, I am keeping mine and buying him own copy when it is released.

I know this is a middle grade book and yet I liked it and found it refreshing. I highly recommend it for ages 5 and up and even for the older folks, like myself, who are open to possibilities.

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