Ice Wolves by Amie Kaufman

Title Ice Wolves
Author: Amie Kaufman
Pub. Date: 27-Mar-2018
Rating: 5 Stars

I am always on the lookout for new fantasy for my 9 year old grandson who reads on a college level. Yes, a college level! Therefore, I was super excited to get an ARC of Ice Wolves by Amie Kaufman from the publisher. He enjoys stories about dragons and wolves and after reading it I know he will love the book at much as I do.

The story is set in a world where Scorch Dragons and Ice Wolves are sworn enemies. The last battle between the two is fresh in everyone’s mind. Hence in the port city of Holbard, Ice Wolves are the police force. They are ever on the lookout for dragon spies and are trained and ready to defend the city against the next Scorch Dragon attack. Continue reading “Ice Wolves by Amie Kaufman”